
Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It’ s not your parents, your past

Relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument

Or your age that is to blame. You and only you are resposible for every decision and choice

You make. period.

power of mind

I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong

NASA Delays Launch of Newest Space Telescope bewerken

In this April 13, 2017 photo provided by NASA, technicians lift the mirror of the James Webb Space Telescope using a crane at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. (Laura Betz/NASA via AP)

NASA says it has postponed the launch of its newest space telescope because of the coronavirus crisis and technical issues.

The U.S. space agency says the launch of its James Webb Space Telescope is now planned for October 31, 2021. The launch has been delayed many times. Before the recent postponement, it had been set for March 2021.

The Webb is supposed to replace NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, which has been in operation for 30 years.

NASA has identified the new telescope as a top science priority. The large infrared telescope has a nearly seven-meter mirror for exploring space. It is designed to look deeper into space and offer more answers about the past than any other spacecraft.

Holmes became the oldest Olympic champion in the history of her events. ndartugol

Dame Kelly Holmes

As we had duelled at the front, Moroccan Hasna Benhassi and Jolanda Ceplak were storming up behind.

The three of us crossed the line together. My instinct was that I had got across first. But I wasn’t sure. For a few seconds, everything seemed to go into slow motion as I looked around for confirmation.

It didn’t come from the big screen or the trackside clock. Instead it was when one of the British press photographers. I glanced across and he was jumping up and down in celebration, telling me I had won.

We spoke later and he said seeing me win close up was the best night of his life, but also the worst as he got so caught up in the moment that he missed getting any pictures of the winning moment.

He certainly had an accurate eye and sense of timing though. I had won, if only by five hundredths of a second.

By 02:00 on the morning after winning Olympic gold, some champions might have been sipping champagne. About that time I was shivering in an ice bath, admittedly with the medal around my neck.

I slept with it on my pillow as well, but come the morning it was time for stage two of the plan. I put it in a box, out of sight and out of mind, and pretended I hadn’t won it.

I wasn’t the only one keeping up this pretence. On one of the few days off between the 800m and 1500m final, I went to catch up with some friends and family in one of the private lounges that Team GB had set up.

Before I arrived, unbeknown to me, they had swept the lounge to get rid of all the British newspapers that used to be left about for people to read. They didn’t want me seeing myself staring out of all the front pages and being spooked by the all the attention that was brewing back in the UK.

Whether it was their efforts or not, the 1500m final was an almost surreally calm

Dame Kelly Holmes

FA Cup semi-final on Saturday.

Pep Guardiola

Manchester City lost 2-0 to Arsenal in the FA Cup semi-final on Saturday

Manchester City boss Pep Guardiola says he respects Arsenal on the pitch – but “not much off the pitch”.

City had their two-year European suspension overturned by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (Cas) on 13 July.

City are understood to believe Arsenal were a chief instigator behind a collective request by eight Premier League clubs for Cas not to allow a delay to the ban pending appeal.

As the case was decided before the end of the season, no delay was needed.

Some senior figures within the game are annoyed City had their punishment for Financial Fair Play regulation breaches reduced, while the club are angry at the behaviour of some of their rivals.

Last week, Guardiola demanded an apology and told clubs to stop “whispering” about City behind their backs.

Chelsea, Burnley, Leicester, Liverpool, Manchester United, Tottenham and Wolves were the other seven top-flight clubs involved in the collective approach to Cas.

Reflecting on City’s 2-0 FA Cup semi-final defeat by Arsenal on Saturday, Guardiola said: “Opponents always deserve my respect and credit. I have all the respect for what Arsenal are on the pitch. Not much off the pitch, but on the pitch, a lot.


FILE - An illustration of the coronavirus (COVD-19) released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia, U.S. January 29, 2020.
What gives some people immunity from the novel coronavirus, the virus that causes COVID-19?
Some scientists are studying whether it is the presence of antibodies. Others are studying a part of the human immune system, known as T cells, which can protect people from viruses.
Recent studies show that some recovered patients who tested negative for coronavirus antibodies developed T cells in their immune systems. The reaction is believed to be the result of their COVID-19 infection. The studies are small and have yet to be confirmed by outside experts. However, some scientists now say that people who show few signs of sickness from the new coronavirus, or show no signs at all, may be actually killing off the infection with their T cells.
The findings add to the evidence that an effective COVID-19 vaccine will need to push T cells to work in addition to producing antibodies. This may also affect several treatments that are being developed. The recent findings may explain how immunity to the virus might work.
Dr. Alessandro Sette is studying the reaction to the coronavirus at the La Jolla Institute’s Infectious Disease and Vaccine Center in California. He said there is growing evidence that “people exposed to the virus have a transient (short-lived) antibody response,” or they have a T cell response without creating antibodies.
When a virus gets past the body’s infection-fighting white blood cells, another defense reaction starts. It causes the production of cells that attack the invading virus. The defense includes antibodies that can identify the virus and lock onto it, preventing its entry into a person’s cells. The body’s defense also can include T cells that can kill both invaders and the cells they have infected.

Sununu from Rotterdam 24-07-2020